Computer science

The innovation process of Colégio de S. José has naturally led to its internationalization. Having initially assumed a  bilingual approach, the school is now an international school attended by 19 nationalities students and integrating the international net of Clonlara schools.

In the last two school years, 55%  of our teachers have attended teacher training sessions in the United Kingdom, concerning their linguistic and pedagogical update. This allows them to frequently adopt the CLIL approach (Content in Language Integrated Learning).

One of the most significative steps towards our opening to Europe has been given through our joining The Erasmus+ net of schools which hosts teachers from other countries who are willing to do their pedagogical internships in a foreign school. This experience brought us trainees from several countries from Lithuania to Italy. A Polish kindergarden teacher who started her  three months internship at Colégio de S. José, stayed with us for two school years integrating our school staff, during the last one.

Ever since 2014, Colégio has continuosly been involved in several partnerships, sponsored by Erasmus+ National Agency.These partnerships involve students, teachers and families together with other schools from Poland, Spain, Ireland, United Kingdom and Turkey. At the same time, our teachers have been attending teacher training courses in the United Kingdom for their linguistic and pedagogical update.

Colégio de S. José has also been functioning as a teacher training center, hosting teachers from several nationalities who have visited us in order to get to know and experience our Pedagogical Model.